Events & Mobility Platform

Trusted event access control app


HID - event access control software

About HID solution

Originally, HID wanted to develop mobiBadge – an app for scanning conference tickets. Although the success of the product (mobiBadge is still in use), HID team decided to pivot and turn to creating an event access control solution for a major, world-renowned sporting event company. Today, the solution is used not only for by the initial client, but also by a variety of companies outside the sports sector.

Our team developed the Encoder, processing ticket data from CS to a card, and the Verifier, used directly during matches. The latter solution displays the data encoded on user cards (ticket details, objects allowed to bring to the venue etc.) on an Android reader, used by the event service.

We also took care of designing and developing the frontend of the web panel, which enables users to specify the event, type and number of a ticket, define verifiers or even mail particular people and analyse statistics dashboards.


Web Development



Android Development

iOS Development

Tech stack




3  years
of constant
of teamwork
6 k
project tasks

Available for projects

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