Product design services

Let our award-winning UX/UI design and consulting experts help your product conquer the market

Let’s work together
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Choose a product design agency that tailors the team and services to what you need

A digital product design process is your unique path to success based on an analysis of your company’s needs, market research and observation of user demands. If perfectly tailored to the industry landscape and business expectations, this plan will help you unleash the full potential of your website, mobile or web app. Develop a tangible go-to-market MVP strategy, increase conversions with a thoughtful UX, and gain user loyalty with a clear, accessible UI. Entrust your idea to a full-cycle product design agency that will adapt tools and services to what you need.

How can digital product design elevate your business?

Give wings to your users, and your business will follow. At the heart of digital product design services is helping companies of all shapes and sizes meet their business objectives through intuitive, user-centric digital experiences. Find the right path forward to solving business challenges while delivering undisputable user value. Whether you need to enter the market with a new product smoothly, overcome bottlenecks in an existing product or build a strong brand image, turn your doubts into a competitive edge with a reliable product design company.

Discover your actual challenges

Product design consultancy empowers companies to identify, (re)define or validate their business problems. Take advantage of the discovery phase to verify your assumptions and determine your product’s purpose, potential and threats – from an objective, analytical perspective. The Design Thinking methodology used in product design will allow you to integrate user needs, technology capabilities, and business requirements, maximising your chances for paramount success.

Make data-driven business decisions

Product design solutions allow you to compose a set of tools tailored to questions, problems and goals specific to your industry, business and project. Perform in-depth interviews or surveys to understand your users and reach their needs. Reveal the target group and industry trends with qualitative and quantitative market research. Conduct a UX audit to identify crucial usability problems that affect your conversions. Analyse aggregated data and make informed, data-driven decisions that translate into user satisfaction and skyrocketing ROI.

Define long-term product vision

A properly determined vision is any company’s North Star, guiding the team throughout product development process. Thanks to product design consulting, you will develop your overarching statement, define the roadmap and consistently strive to achieve your business goals – while having the support and understanding of your teams. Optimise your software development process with a strategic human based approach.

Achieve product-market fit

Digital product design allows companies to find product-market fit through tailor-made analytic, UX & UI tools. Find your target customers and identify their underserved needs through UX research and workshops. Define a feature set that solves real user needs faster, cheaper and better than your competition. Create adequate information architecture and clear interface design to ensure your project brings tangible business benefits.

Stand out from your competition

Leverage the power of full-cycle product design to make informed strategic moves and win users over simply yet effectively. Stand out from your competition by creating a unique value proposition based on user-centred and data-driven design principles. Allocate the budget to innovative app features that will actually support your business goals. Strengthen corporate identity by delivering branded user interfaces.

Increase sales and profitability

Employ product design to prioritise quality and user satisfaction – and improve customer retention and sales. Optimise a development hand-off and maintenance by creating a clear, complete product vision that aggregates your business needs and tech capabilities. Choose product design services and look at your project with a broader process in mind to find a middle ground between design quality and development cost.

brainly mockup

Training Hub: A sports mobile application designed by Miquido for an NBA 

1 st place

Product category, UX Design Awards 2023

2,5  years

of cooperation

traininghub tech stack

Product design services by Miquido

The essence of full-cycle product design services by Miquido is a comprehensive approach to creating digital products and covering your needs at every development stage. Take advantage of the broad expertise of our UX, UI, Product and Visual Design specialists. Find the sweet spot between your business requirements, market and user expectations to get the perfect product-market fit, user satisfaction and increased chances of commercial success.

Product design workshops

Perform a series of goal-oriented exercises that will allow you to swiftly find answers to all product-related questions: from business idea evaluation to prototype creation or a redefinition of the product’s scope. Choose a tool suited to your product maturity stage: from the MVP/PoC workshop definition and fast-track Design Sprint 2.0 to design critique. Benefit from an entertaining, engaging, and highly productive way to exchange ideas, set goals and discuss the potential product-related issues in real-time with dedicated expert teams.

UX research

Even the boldest business ideas require detailed research and analysis to comprehensively understand your users’ needs, challenges and reliefs. Take advantage of UX research services: in-depth interviews, usability & conceptual testing, and competitors’ analysis to gain an overview of current market trends and customer demands. Make data-based decisions on product development, identify space for improvement and invest your time and budget only in building excellent, necessary application features.

UI Design

Ensure your users are enchanted by the way your app looks and feels. Create detail-oriented, accessible mobile and web interfaces with advanced haptics, UI sounds, micro-interactions and motion designs. Our team of seasoned UI design experts will enhance your brand identity and strengthen the product’s market position by following the latest design trends. At the same time, we will take care of a clear file structure based on Design Systems to streamline the process of product development, maintenance and scaling.

UX Design

Take care of UX that will retain users and increase conversions. Support achieving your business goals through a transparent information architecture covering sitemap and user flows. Use cost-effective wireframes to customise the structure of your application and create prototypes that will ensure the product solves your users’ problems. Design a complete, user-centred experience before you proceed to development – to optimise the development process and maximise your product’s chance of success.

Our tech stack

UX/UI Design


Prototypes & Interaction



User Research





Google Meet

No-code development



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Training Hub – Product Category Winner

webby logo


YouMap – Best Visual Design

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Passbolt – Best Business App



Best App Distinction

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Topline for Abbey Road Studios – Music App of The Year, Best UX & Design

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M-Commerce App Distinction

Why choose Miquido as your next product design agency?

Twelve years and a proven track record in designing stunning product experiences. Over 250 digital solutions delivered for large enterprises and exciting start-ups across 16 industries. Twenty-two brilliant, creative souls focused on data-driven design that helps companies conquer the market. Rely on a unique design process based on personalised, iterative methodologies and tools, such as Triple Diamond, UX kits and design systems. Take advantage of the extensive Miquido product design experience: accelerate innovation, optimise costs and reduce time-to-market.

Award-winning portfolio

Miquido product design consultants help clients achieve commercial success with out-of-the-box experiences that allow businesses to stay ahead of the competition. Projects delivered by our team have won 20 awards for the best UX, visual design, RWD, innovation and business ideas. Hence, it is no wonder why our web and mobile applications have been noticed by Google, Flutter and Deloitte and regularly win prominent industry awards – including UK App Awards, Webby and Mobile Trends.

Full-cycle product design agency

Our product design offer consists of 23 services that enable the delivery of a complete digital product and the optimisation of existing solutions at each product maturity stage. In 12 years, our digital product designers have delivered 900 design processes for start-ups, SMBs and corporations across 16 industries. By choosing our services, you can be sure that our experience will allow us to tailor a solution to your expectations – and, at the same time, adapt it to market realities in a long-term perspective.

Teams organised to match to your needs

Miquido product design studio is an independent part of the software agency with a holistic approach to developing digital products. Our primary goal is to deliver value to your business and users: we always tailor our services, processes and teams to your needs. Choose our all-in-one design, development services or individual solutions, such as UX audits or workshops. Work with a dedicated product design unit or expand your team in the Team Augmentation, outstaffing or outsourcing model.

Get to know our work process

  • 1

    Scoping & estimation

  • 2

    Workshops & preparation

  • 3

    Design & development

  • 4

    Product release

  • 5

    Ongoing support

Getting to know your vision & business needs

First of all, we’d like to learn about your product idea and identify the scope of your project. For that, we gather all the crucial info about your business goals and expectations. We discuss the potential features, tech solutions and time required to deliver them. By the end of this stage, we should be able to provide you with a general development schedule and an estimated project price.

Diving into the details

To make sure that your custom solution becomes a success, we put together a series of personalised workshops tailored to your needs. Sample workshops can focus on Data, Product design, or Strategy – you make the final call. After we’ve answered each other’s questions and reached a common vision, we prepare the wireframes and the first design drafts, development requirements, as well as all the basic documentation of the project.

Turning your bespoke idea into reality

This is when your idea truly comes to life! We finalise the UX/UI designs and begin the development of your web or mobile application. Keep in mind, that every project is unique so there’s no one-size-fits-all way to tell how long it’s going to take, but as a rule it takes us up to 3 months to create a fully-functional minimum viable product – your MVP. That is the version of your solution ready to be released to the market.


Your app is ready to be released to the market! After the development is complete, the MVP is tested, and every stakeholder is satisfied, we take care of the deployment and release. As time is of the essence during this phase, we make sure everything goes according to schedule and the entire process is as seamless as it gets.

There’s more for us to do

Your custom digital product is released, but our work doesn’t necessarily end here. We pride ourselves in building long-term relationships with our customers; if you’d like to upgrade your product with some additional features over time, if there is a particular enhancement that you’d like to try out, or if you simply want us to take care of maintenance and support, we’re always happy to help! In case you choose to let your in-house team to take over the project, we’ll ensure the transition goes without any surprises.

bnp logo

Miquido is a professional company, so it’s worth listening to them.”

Piotr Paraska, Senior Project Manager at BNP Paribas
eat&joy logo

They didn’t feel like an outsourced vendor; they feel like part of our team.”

CEO at Eat & Joy

Want to know more about product design?

What are the main elements of the Product Design process?

Product design is a crucial aspect of software development that can determine the success or failure of a product. The main elements of product design can be broadly categorized into several key phases:

  1. Research: This stage involves conducting user and market research in order to gain a deeper understanding of the user’s problem and needs. The research phase ensures that the end product will meet users’ needs and preferences.
  2. Define: This phase involves creating a high-level vision of the product, key features and its purpose. It is also important to define potential challenges and risks that may appear in the development process.
  3. Prototype: This phase is about creating prototypes that illustrate the product’s core functionalities and may be used to gather feedback from stakeholders or potential users. This phase is also helpful in identifying design issues that may occur and preventing them before moving on to more advanced phases of product design.
  4. Design and development: This phase involves collaboration between designers, developers and other team members to ensure that the product meets all technical and business requirements while also providing a user-friendly experience.
  5. Test: In this stage, the product is tested rigorously to ensure that the result meets all expectations. This may involve not only user testing but also quality assurance or performance testing.

By following these main elements of the product design process, the team may create user-centred products that meet all customer needs and business goals. However, it is worth remembering that product design is an ongoing process, and after product launch, it is crucial to carry out iteration and improvement of the product.

How important is product design for my business?

Product design plays a crucial role in the success of a business. In today’s highly competitive market, customers have numerous options to choose from, and product design can be the factor that sets your business apart from the competition.
A well-designed product not only attracts potential customers but also enhances the user experience. When customers are happy with the design of a product, they are more likely to recommend it to others, which can lead to increased sales.
Furthermore, good product design can help a business establish a unique brand identity and differentiate itself from the competition. For example, Apple’s products are known for their modern design, which has helped the company become a leader in the tech industry.
In addition, product design can also have a significant impact on the cost of application production. By creating products that are well-designed the company may increase profitability. For example, a product that has well-defined key functionalities and possible risks can save time and money during the production process.

Investing in product design can be a really smart business move, as it can lead to increased sales, customer loyalty, and profitability. Working with a skilled and experienced product design team can help ensure that your business’s products are not only functional but also visually appealing to your target audience.

How much does it cost to design an app?

App design cost is a highly individual matter and depends on a variety of factors. The key elements that may impact the cost of app design include the technology chosen, app complexity, features required, the team’s country of origin, or the level of customization.

In general basic apps with limited functionality and essential user interface will cost less than designing more complex apps with customized interfaces and advanced features. This is directly related to the hourly wage of the project team. More complex projects require more time, which in turn, increases total costs.
It is estimated that the cost of mobile app design ranges from $5 000 to $30 000 or more. However, it is worth remembering that when working with a software development company, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your goals, requirements, and budget. This will allow the design team to provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost of app design and ensure that the project stays within your budget.

It is also important to note that well-designed products may reduce the overall costs of a digital solution.
A clear and intuitive design can help reduce the number of errors and bugs in the app, which can save time and resources during the concept development and testing phases. Furthermore, good product design can also help ensure that the app is scalable and adaptable to changing user needs and technological trends.

How long does it take to design an app?

Designing an app may require a lot of careful planning and collaboration. While the length of time required to design an app will depend on a variety of factors, it’s important to recognize that app design is not just about creating a set of screens and features.
The design process involves multiple stakeholders, including designers, developers, product managers, and users. Designers must work closely with everyone to understand project requirements and to ensure that the app is designed in a way that also meets potential user needs.
It’s also important to note that the app design process typically involves several stages, including research and planning, prototyping, visual design, and testing. Each of these stages can take from several weeks to several months, depending on the app’s size and complexity. However, the product design process is estimated to take an average of 2 to 4 months.
At the same time, designing an app is also a highly creative process that requires designers to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. This can take time as designers explore different options and refine their ideas based on feedback and user testing. Taking time in the design phase of a product can help significantly reduce the overall time frame. By identifying potential problems early in the design phase and creating a clear and intuitive user interface, designers can help ensure that the product is more stable and less error-prone.

Available for projects

Want to talk about your project?

Partner with us for a digital journey that transforms your business ideas into successful, cutting-edge solutions.