UX design services

Pave the way for instant market success with stunning, accessible, user-centered experiences

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Keep your users engaged with seamless UX

Captivate your users with relevant and meaningful experiences through a thoughtful design and make your product more in line with their needs. Our experienced UX team will select the matching methods and tools to fully understand your customers and give them exactly what they’re looking for!

Our User Experience design services

Here’s some insight into the most important components of our design process. Note, however, that the UX journey is unique for each product – that’s what makes it so effective!

Market & user research

Market & user research

To design a compelling experience, you should always start with a deep understanding of user needs, values, abilities, and limitations. Using an empathetic approach, we adopt the user’s perspective to get familiar with their problems and expectations. Then we combine this knowledge with market research, analysing the products of the competition, and researching the niches. This way, we are able to suggest solutions that make a difference and increase customer satisfaction.

Exploration & Information architecture

Exploration & Information architecture

Information architecture design is one of the fundamental tasks of the UX team. Well-designed IA can improve functionality of the app by making communication between the product and the end user more effective. That means easier access to the desired information. Our team will bring your IA design to the next level, making your app behave just as users expect it to. We can help you not only with planning the structure of your product but also marking priorities and monitoring user behaviour to make the app work even better.

Wireframing & UX writing

Wireframing & UX writing

Wireframing allows for the organisation of the structure of a website or app before the creative phase begins. The wireframe serves as a visual guide and provides a better understanding of the structural architecture and design flow. This phase is perfect for trying out various ideas without risking any financial consequences. After the wireframe is ready, we head into UX writing. Using a simple, user-friendly language, we create content and microcopies that navigate users through the app.

Prototyping & usability testing

Prototyping & usability testing

Prototyping helps us see the big picture. At this stage of the project development, we test the flow of design and collect user feedback. Prototyping is followed by usability and user testing. Using a set of tools, we analyse whether the users can navigate through your app effectively and identify the causes of possible problems. Explorative, assessable, or comparative? Moderated or unmoderated? Our team will help you adopt the most fitting method to make the best out of this process.

Tangible results, right on schedule

2 weeks
for the prototype
3 months
for the MVP

Need your idea verified fast?

Why choose Miquido as your User Experience Design agency?

Searching for a reliable partner that will incorporate the best UX practices into your project? Here’s why we’ll be a great match!

Experienced UX designers

At Miquido, our specialists combine know-how with years of experience to make the best out of your idea. With a set of UX solutions tailored for your project, we research, prototype, test, build wireframes, and design the information architecture to improve your product’s performance and usability.

Client-oriented approach

Before heading into the design, we get to know your requirements and expectations first. Together, we’ll dig deep into your idea or existing product, finding the best ways to make it successful. A good understanding of your needs will allow us to adopt matching UX tools and methods.

Wide range of design services

Our complex set of services can take you through the whole product design & development process. From ideation and strategy, through UI & UX design, to web & mobile development – with us, you will end up with a complete, top-notch product with the potential to conquer the market.

Award-winning agency

Our Topline app for Abbey Road Studios was featured at Google I/O and awarded at the UK App Awards ceremony in 2018. Another of the products we’ve developed, HelloFresh, was recognised by Google as one of the top apps of 2016. And the list doesn’t end here!

Our UX design through the eyes of our clients

Curious about the results of our work? See what our clients think about Miquido’s UX design services.

Let’s work together
Empik logo

They really dug deep to understand our industry and customer needs. They are truly engaged and always up for the next challenge.

Michał Kiender

Senior Product Manager, Empik

TUI logo

They are quick to respond to our needs and ideas, being primarily client-oriented and willing to suggest their improvements and ideas.

e-Commerce Coordinator, TUI

years in software
digital solutions
of all projects
conducted remotely

Our development process

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Understanding your wants and needs

First things first! Before heading to suggesting custom UX design solutions, we identify the scope of your project and take our time to understand your product idea and business needs. This includes discussing the potential features, tech solutions and time required to deliver them. Thanks to that, we can give you a general development quotation and schedule.

Competitive analysis and market insights

A great product needs a clear vision along with a customer and market-driven strategy. This is why we dive into the specifics of your industry, analyse the moves of your competitors, learn about the latest trends and your users’ needs. Our UX services help to identify new opportunities for your business and set up a sound Unique Value Proposition for your product.

Product brainstorming and wireframing

Now it’s time to come up with creative ideas. At the customer-tailored workshops, together we work on user personas and customer journeys, brainstorm possible UX solutions, and wireframe all the essential features.

Creating MVP and further iteration

A clickable prototype clearly shows what your product can do and helps to test ideas with users or entice stakeholders to invest. With every interaction, we quickly validate our assumptions in order to reduce potential risks and to deliver a more valuable set of features that will accomplish your business goals.

Data-driven enhancements of your product

We help post-launch products test and optimise their metrics, redefine business ideas according to proposed UX design solutions and generate new features. Our team reviews the initial assumptions, looks into the data in order to detect missed opportunities, and works out improvements that can deliver quick wins.

A woman discussing custom UX design solutions with a client

Our UX design solutions will help you get to the top of any industry

  • Healthcare
  • E-commerce
  • Entertainment
  • Fintech
  • Other

Whether you just have an idea or an already existing product that needs to be polished in the context of UX design, our team is ready to support you with their skills, experience, and comprehensive approach. We have already developed products destined for the healthcare market, and we’re ready to take up another challenge. Reach out to us to make a usable app that goes in line with the newest trends in the medical industry!

Improving your UX is the best way to accomplish your sales goals for an e-commerce platform. Redesign its structure and information architecture to see your customers complete the purchase process more and more often. We’ll help you with making your platform more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Result? Better conversion rate, lower cart abandonment rate, higher average order value, and other benefits that every e-commerce business aims for.

Planning to conquer the entertainment sector with your product? Aside from pure creativity and brainstorming, it’s worth making some room for the UX design. Together we can develop an app that is both usable and fun to use! By implementing User Experience solutions, we’ll make it more engaging and entertaining without compromising intuitiveness and performance. At the end of our design journey, we’ll have an eye-catching product that will steal your users’ hearts at first use!

Take over the fintech industry with your idea! By incorporating the best UX/UI practices into the design process, you can increase the competitiveness of your product. We’re more than ready to help you with adjusting your fintech app to the market demand. Implement secure and usable solutions that respond to users’ increasing expectations for this growing sector. We’ll use the best of our knowledge and experience to help you with it.

Whatever industry you’re aiming at, well-adjusted UX solutions can increase your revenue and facilitate accomplishing other business goals. Our UX team will help you understand what users expect from you and provide them with exactly that – regardless of the development phase. If you really believe in your concept, get it across before anyone else comes up with a similar idea. We will assist you at every stage!

Mobile app interface

Custom app development

Think a ready-made software product is not the right solution for your company? It’s about time to try custom app development! If you’re searching for an IT partner that will build an app tailored to your needs, you’ve come to the right place. At Miquido, we specialise in developing custom applications, creating solutions that make a positive impact on the company’s workflow and resonate with their values. Before heading into the development phase, we research your needs and expectations to create products that solve existing problems and prevent the new ones from occurring.

Not sure whether our UX design solutions will be suitable for you?

Our FAQ section can answer all the concerns you may have so far. If that’s not the case – feel free to reach out and discuss your doubts with our UX & UI Design specialists at Miquido.

Let’s work together

How much do UX design services cost?

Well, it really depends on a variety of different factors.

For starters, the complexity of your project will play a significant role in determining the cost. A simple project with essential design elements might only cost a few thousand dollars. In contrast, a more complex project requiring lots of research, user testing, and customisation could cost tens of thousands or more.

Another factor to consider is the expertise of the designer. A more experienced designer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work will likely charge more than someone just starting. When choosing a designer or agency, it’s worth remembering that a lower rate doesn’t necessarily mean a better deal. A designer with less experience or expertise may be unable to deliver the work you need to meet your goals.

It’s also important to keep in mind that UX design is an investment in the success of your product or service. A well-designed user experience can increase customer satisfaction, engagement, and, ultimately, revenue.

Can I use UX design services after the product launch?

Absolutely! There is always time to invest in improving the user experience of your product.

Even if you’ve already launched your product, investing in UX design services can help you identify pain points and areas for improvement. This can be especially valuable if you’ve received feedback from users indicating the need for changes or noticed a drop in engagement or customer satisfaction.

Bringing in a UX designer to conduct a post-launch audit can be a great way to gain fresh insights and ideas for improving your product’s user experience. And by making these improvements, you can boost customer satisfaction, increase engagement, and ultimately drive revenue. Furthermore, by conducting post-launch usability testing, you can uncover usability issues, discover unmet user needs, and validate design choices. This iterative approach not only enhances the overall user experience but also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement.

Investing in UX design services after your product launch can improve the overall user experience and increase customer satisfaction, leading to increased engagement and revenue.

Why is UX design important for my business?

UX design plays a crucial role in the success of any business, regardless of industry or size.
At its core, UX design is all about creating products and experiences that are intuitive, easy to use, and enjoyable for the user. By putting the needs and preferences of your users in the centre, you can create a product that resonates with your audience and keeps them engaged.

But the benefits of UX design go beyond just making your users happy. A well-designed user experience can have a direct impact on your bottom line. By reducing user frustration and streamlining the user journey, you can increase conversion rates, improve customer retention, and drive revenue growth.

A well-designed user experience can also help you stand out from competitors and build a loyal customer base. When users have a positive experience with your product, they’re more likely to recommend it to others and become repeat customers.

On the other hand, if users find your product difficult to use, frustrating, or confusing, they’re more likely to abandon it and seek alternatives. In today’s era of social media and online reviews, a negative user experience can quickly spread, damaging your reputation and hurting your chances of success.

By investing in UX design services, you can ensure that your product meets the needs of your users, stands out from the competition, and drives revenue for your business.

What are the stages of UX design?

  • Discover: In the discovery stage, designers immerse themselves in understanding the client’s goals, target audience, and market landscape. Through user research, competitive analysis, and gathering insights, designers gain a deep understanding of the users’ needs and pain points.
  • Define: With valuable insights in hand, the define stage focuses on synthesising the research findings into a clear design direction. Designers work closely with the client to define the project’s objectives, user personas, and user journey maps.
  • Develop: In the development stage, designers begin to ideate and prototype design solutions based on the defined objectives. Collaborative workshops and client feedback sessions play a crucial role in refining and iterating on the design, ensuring that it aligns with the client’s vision and meets the users’ needs.
  • Deliver: The final stage involves translating the design into a functional and visually appealing product. Designers work closely with developers, ensuring that the design is implemented with precision. Finally, the polished design is released to the users, accompanied by ongoing support and monitoring to gather feedback for continuous improvement.

It’s important to emphasise that the UX design process is not a one-size-fits-all approach. We know that every project has unique needs,requirements, and target audiences. That is why, each stage of the UX design process is carefully crafted and tailored to the specific client, project, and user context by our UX design team.

How long does the UX Design process take?

There is no simple answer here. The length of the UX design process depends on several factors, such as the project’s complexity, the availability of resources, and the scope of the design work. It is also worth investing in UX design even after the product launch to ensure that the product develops accordingly.

The process typically involves several stages: research, analysis, design, prototyping, testing, and iteration. Each stage can take a varying amount of time, and the duration may also depend on the number of stakeholders involved in the process.

For a simple project, the UX design process may take a few weeks or months, while a more complex project may take several months or even a year to complete. It’s essential to remember that the goal of the UX design process is to create a product that meets the users’ needs while achieving the business’s goals. Rushing the process can lead to a suboptimal design that fails to meet user needs.

However, it is worth remembering that the primary goal of UX design is to create a product or experience that is user-centred and effective, so it’s essential to take your time with the process. While cutting corners to save time can be tempting, doing so could lead to a suboptimal design that fails to meet the users’ needs. Working with a skilled UX designer can help streamline the process and ensure the design work is completed efficiently while meeting the desired quality standards.

Available for projects

Want to talk about your project?

Partner with us for a digital journey that transforms your business ideas into successful, cutting-edge solutions.