Custom eCommerce Development Services

Build a demand-driven, secure eCommerce platform fueled by mobile, web, and AI technologies

Let’s work together
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Enterprise eCommerce development services

Seamless user journeys, intuitive content management, secure payments, and predictive analytics tools – ensure your custom eCommerce company has everything it needs to become a global phenomenon. At Miquido, we assist industry leaders like Empik, HelloFresh, and TUI in creating B2B platforms, B2C apps, and complex marketplaces. Whether you need to develop mobile application, build headless architecture, adopt a scale-up strategy, or improve customer experience with a UX audit, we’ll be your experienced partner to smoothly guide you through the eCommerce software development process.

Maximise your business opportunities through verified eCommerce development services

Unlock irresistible omnichannel experiences

Omnichannel allows brands to boost user engagement by reaching consumers exactly where they are. From AI-based recommendation systems for websites, through ecommerce mobile app development, to social media management software integration – we will assist you in adding new touchpoints and delivering unique customer experiences.

Speed up processes with third-party software

Neat integration of third-party tools for social media, inventory, accounting, or CRM is critical for eCommerce management efficiency. Reduce operational costs through seamless API integrations: automate tasks, sync all business data, streamline workflows, and optimise marketing with a cohesive system.

Liberate your brand potential with headless systems

The headless software architecture allows brands to create tailor-made systems composed of third-party microservices loosely connected via API. If you seek unprecedented flexibility, reduced time-to-market, and the possibility of testing various external solutions without impacting the entire infrastructure, our frontend and backend teams can develop a custom headless solution just for you.

Boost efficiency with ML and AI automation

Leverage the full potential of your eCommerce website, mobile app or marketplace: automate internal processes and optimise customer service with AI and Machine Learning. Take advantage of leading-edge features like custom analytics dashboards, content-based or collaborative filtering, chatbots and voice assistants to ensure steadily high conversion rates.

Foster user engagement

Gamification, personalised discount codes, loyalty programs, virtual try-ons. Regardless of which user engagement tools you choose, ensure that your features go hand in hand with seamless user onboarding and are grounded in relevant research and data analysis. We can help you adjust your eCommerce through product design workshops or AI-based solutions enabling you to store, process and use your customer data.

Explore possibilities of live commerce

Live commerce-initiated sales will likely account for 20% of all eCommerce by 2026. At Miquido, we can help you implement this fast-growing sales strategy. Monitor consumer behaviour and use our data science and product design expertise to blend entertainment with instant purchases. We will assist you in choosing the right hosting platform and integrating stores with social media plugins.

hello fresh mockup
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Miquido has become a great extension of our team here at PAJO. Setting up communication and aligning workflows was a breeze, which helped us accomplish the first phase of our project twice as fast as estimated. The good basis we have built with Miquido allows us to quickly outsource work when needed to a partner we know we can rely on.”

Project Manager @ Pajo

Custom eCommerce software development services

Ideation & Strategy

Create a winning business strategy driven by analysis of customer buying habits and social trend exploration. Choose innovation research to identify new tech opportunities, benefit from legacy app modernisation to remodel ineffective software, or smoothly adopt new technologies with Miquido’s digital transformation services.

Web Development

Well-developed eCommerce website should streamline the purchasing process and strengthen your brand identity. Make sure the page layouts reflect your buyer journeys and guarantee a smooth checkout flow. Whether you build an ecommerce app from scratch, customise a SaaS solution, or go for MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, Headless) architecture, you can always rely on Miquido’s backend and frontend eCommerce software development teams.

Mobile Development

Embrace the full potential of your eCommerce product and improve customer loyalty with personalised, responsive mobile experiences. Speed up the purchasing process with new digital payment options, and enhance the customer experience with advanced in-app search engines or augmented reality solutions. Miquido will help you choose the perfect feature set and optimal, cost-efficient technology.

Product Design

Ensure your eCommerce solution is equally functional as it is pleasant to the eye. With a set of UX solutions tailored to your project, we research, prototype, test, build wireframes and design the information architecture to improve your product’s performance and usability. Take care of the proper user flow organisation, and watch your online store screen time and conversions skyrocket.

Data Science

Make informed business decisions based on analysis of your customers’ behaviour. The Miquido team will help you gather, organise, and interpret complex data, allowing you to identify missing values or space for innovation. Leverage the power of Business Intelligence, Exploratory Data Analysis approach, and Big Data solutions – boost your sales with data-driven recommendation systems, customer sentiment analysis or price optimisation.

Cloud Services

Cloud services for eCommerce allow companies to leverage their business growth while simplifying the IT infrastructure. We can help you in smooth migration to the cloud, choosing the right deployment model, and implementing scalable, cloud-based architectures. Ensure high, enterprise-grade security, performance, and scalability. Let’s explore the potential of AWS or GCP services for eCommerce.

Custom eCommerce development services for companies of all shapes and sizes

eCommerce solutions for B2C

Regardless of your size and customer base, at Miquido, we are positive we’ll be able to match your online store with the best technology. Depending on your business model, your B2C eCommerce solution can support deep CRM integrations, split shipping, multi-level user access, corporate accounts, and anything else you’re bold enough to envision.

B2B eCommerce services

Grow your wholesale business with eCommerce tools optimised for flexibility, efficiency and effortlessness of B2B transactions. Streamline your operations, reach new customers, promote your products and increase sales through seamless digital marketing, logistics, shipping, and payment gateway integrations. Our team will help you build, optimise, or reinvent your wholesale store or marketplace to boost your conversions and facilitate expansion to foreign markets.

Enterprise eCommerce solutions

We fully understand the complexity of a large business and learn from the best: think Magento, Shopify, and Salesforce. Regardless of your preferred service model (SaaS, IaaS, or PassS), our web and eCommerce mobile app development solutions range from complex integration systems, international product & customer management support, effective scalability, and more.

Why choose Miquido’s eCommerce development solutions?

We put people first

A customer-centric culture is key to success in any eCommerce business. We employ UX research and data science processes to help you understand the motivations and needs of your clients, streamline knowledge flows between organisations and prioritise teams’ alignment around customer-focused goals and KPIs.

Technology is in our DNA

At Miquido, we don’t just deliver digital products. We turn your technology choices into an unsurpassed competitive advantage. Our 350 experts will prepare a custom eCommerce software development strategy based on a product-specific technology stack and deliver complete mobile or web eCommerce software development solutions – designed from front to back by our well-connected teams.

We breathe innovation

New technologies, such as AR, AI or biometrics, continuously propel the eCommerce industry – but also make it even more competitive. Ensure your business stays ahead of market trends such as metaverse, subscription commerce or immersive technologies. AI-based scoring engine for Nextbank, voice assistant for PZU, image recognition feature for iine Card – benefit from Miquido’s domain knowledge to fuel your project with innovation.

Empik logo

Working remotely with the Miquido Team was as frictionless as if they were sitting right next to me. They really dug deep to understand our industry and customer needs.”

Senior Product Manager @ Empik
Herbalife logo

Miquido’s overall professionalism, knowledge, and support make them a great company to work with.”

Software Product Manager @ Herbalife

eCommerce FAQ

How much does it cost to develop an eCommerce app?

There is no one fixed price for developing eCommerce development solutions. The cost varies from factors such as:

  • The scope of your project: Including the amount and complexity of the app’s features. Enterprise ecommerce development, custom eCommerce software development and tailor-made features, like AR shopping try-on or AI-based recommendation systems, might significantly increase the overall development cost. Therefore, you should always take advantage of the product discovery phase: a deliberate choice of the app’s core features is critical to the efficiency and profitability of your eCommerce app.
  • The choice of eCommerce app development platform: Depending on your customers’ needs, you can go for native Android, iOS, or cross-platform development. Developing one native application is usually cheaper than creating a cross-platform solution. However, cross-platform frameworks (such as Flutter or React Native) allow brands to use the shared codebase to quickly develop, scale and effortlessly maintain multiple Android, iOS, web and desktop eCommerce apps. In other words: if you plan to reach wider audiences faster and cheaper, cross-platform might be a way to go.
  • eCommerce app testing, post-delivery maintenance and technical support: Remember to include testing, maintenance and technical support in the development budget. These three steps are essential for your users’ satisfaction and hence, sooner or later, will affect your business growth. Ensure easy-to-maintain, effortless UX/UI solutions, good technical documentation, thorough QA testing, and keep technical debt under control at all times.

How long does it take to build eCommerce software?

Again, the timeline of the eCommerce software development process depends on the scale and complexity of our client’s vision. Miquido is a fully agile company, meaning that we always adjust our processes to your needs. If you develop eCommerce software with our team from scratch, it is safe to assume a similar methodology and time frames:

  • Workshops (1 day – 5 weeks): Depending on the clarity of your idea, you can choose from 4 types of Miquido workshops: product discovery or MVP definition workshops (1-2 days), design sprint (5 days) and complex product bootcamp to build the eCommerce app from scratch (4-5 weeks).
  • UX/UI Design (4 – 6 weeks): Usually, the design phase at Miquido covers the stages such as defining the product scope, preparing the design system, design validation and smooth handoff to the production team.
  • Development (3 – 5 months): At Miquido, we aim to deliver your eCommerce software’s minimum viable product (MVP) within 3-5 months.

Of course, any unplanned changes, a non-standard size of the application, or team outsourcing may cause a delay in your scheduled app development time. If you want to learn more about how long it takes to develop an app, please read our article.

When should I outsource eCommerce app development?

Outsourcing eCommerce development services can be an excellent option for businesses that lack the resources or expertise to build their in-house development team. Here are some situations when hiring an eCommerce app development company can also be a good choice:

  • Time constraints: Developing an eCommerce app from scratch can take a lot of time and effort, which may not be feasible for businesses with tight deadlines.
  • Cost constraints: Building an in-house team can be costly, especially if you need to hire eCommerce developers.
  • Need for flexibility: Outsourcing usually is more flexible as you can hire developers for the project’s duration only.
  • Access to the latest technologies: Outsourcing allows you to access the latest technologies, tools, and techniques that may not be available to you in-house.

Ultimately, the decision to outsource eCommerce app development depends on your business needs, budget, and timeline.

Which technologies are used in eCommerce?

eCommerce is a diverse industry that covers many target groups and business models, such as B2B, B2C or marketplaces. The specific technologies used in eCommerce vary depending on the business’s size or the company’s needs and goals and include:

  • eCommerce platforms: Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce
  • Payment gateways: PayPal, Stripe or Square
    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems: Salesforce, HubSpot
  • Analytics tools: Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, and Mixpanel
  • Marketing automation tools: HubSpot, Marketo, and Pardot
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): IBM Watson, AWS AI services, and Google Cloud AI
  • eCommerce mobile app development frameworks: React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin.

What AI solutions can I implement into my eCommerce software?

AI and enterprise eCommerce development solutions should prioritise improving the customer experience, optimising sales, and streamlining user journeys. The worth to mention examples of AI solutions for eCommerce are:

  • Personalised recommendation engines: AI algorithms, such as Amazon Personalize or Dynamic Yield, analyse customer behaviour and purchase history to improve customer satisfaction and sales
  • Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots provide instant customer support, answer frequently asked questions, and assist with product search and checkout
  • Fraud detection: AI algorithms can identify and prevent fraudulent transactions, help reduce chargebacks, and protect the business from financial losses
  • Predictive analytics: AI tools like IBM Watson Analytics or DataRobot can analyse customer behaviour and historical data to predict future demand and optimise inventory management or pricing strategies.

Available for projects

Want to talk about your project?

Partner with us for a digital journey that transforms your business ideas into successful, cutting-edge solutions.