iOS Application Development Services

Explore new business destinations, accelerate growth, and captivate your users with custom iOS applications

Let’s work together
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Innovative iOS application development services for a mobile-first world

With the iOS-based app, you gain a powerful tool for reaching and engaging customers in a mobile-first world. iOS software development involves designing and developing software applications compatible with Apple’s iOS operating system. These applications can be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of businesses, ranging from customer-facing apps to internal productivity tools and enterprise software solutions. By leveraging the capabilities of the iOS platform, you can create engaging, user-friendly apps that help you stay ahead of the competition.

Harness the full potential of iOS mobile application development

Impressive performance

iOS software translates to faster loading times, smoother animations, and an overall superior user experience for mobile app users. By optimizing the performance of iOS apps, you can enhance customer satisfaction, increase engagement, and drive business growth.

Platform-specific features

The iOS platform-specific features can significantly enhance the functionality and user experience of your mobile app. By leveraging biometrics, geolocation, and Bluetooth connectivity, iOS app developers can create innovative, engaging, and seamless mobile apps.

Dependability and support

The programming language used for iOS application development, provides businesses with the confidence that their app will function as intended and will receive timely support for any issues that may arise. This can ensure a seamless user experience and minimise any potential negative impact on the business’s reputation.

Future-proof and scalable

Ensure a scalable solution as your business grows and the number of users or amount of data handled by your app increases with an iOS platform that can support that growth. Additionally, the stability and reliability of the iOS platform ensure that your app can continue to perform well even under heavy usage or when new features are added. This makes iOS a popular choice for businesses looking to build mobile apps that can scale to meet their evolving needs.

In-house transfer options

Ensure more streamlined communication and collaboration between internal teams, ultimately resulting in a more efficient development cycle. The possibility of in-house transfer options in case of iOS development ensure greater security and confidentiality for sensitive information that may be involved in the app development process.

Excellent UX/UI

Native iOS development results in a better app experience for your users, since there is no need to compromise on the user interface to work well on both platforms. When it comes to iOS native development, it’s easier and faster to develop certain platform-specific features that may affect the UX, such as widgets or app clips.

ios app mockup

Empik Go Case Study: Seamless ebook & audio reader on your mobile

Facing an increased demand for digital books, Empik decided to develop a mobile app for reading and listening. The goal was to create an intuitive, user-oriented solution. With that in mind, we started the Empik Go project with a comprehensive UX/UI audit and came up with a detailed design improvement strategy.

Empik Go is now the largest base of audiobooks and ebooks available in Poland, working on an intuitive subscription model. The app allows users to read and listen to their favourite books on the go, even in the offline mode.

brainly mockup
1  M+

App downloads on Google Play


Rating on the App Store

100 k

Ebooks available

Enhance your mobile strategy with our custom iOS application development services

Custom iOS software development is a complex process that requires careful consideration of user experience, security, and performance. That’s why we invest in the latest tools and technologies, including Swift programming language, Combine and Rest API, to create apps that are intuitive, fast, and secure. Our iOS application development services are designed to help businesses maximise the value of their investment in mobile app development and ensure long-term success.

iOS mobile application development

Make the most of the end-to-end development of custom applications for Apple devices. Leverage our expertise to design and develop apps tailored to your business needs, utilising the latest iOS technologies. Hire an iOS mobile app development team that is experienced and ready to undertake your project.

iOS software for all Apple’s devices

Hire experienced iOS app developers to build customised software solutions and enhance brand visibility and customer engagement on Apple devices, like iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone. From customer-facing apps to enterprise software solutions, we leverage Apple’s ecosystem to create high-performing, user-friendly solutions.

Cross-platform framework for iOS

Elevate your project with cross-platform app development as a great way to save time-to-market and resources. This allows you to create applications that run on both iOS and Android, using just one codebase. With cross-platform tech solutions you can build a uniform application to enter the market as soon as possible, winning users of both Android and iOS mobile devices.

iOS QA infrastructure and testing

Ensure that your iOS app is thoroughly tested for functionality, usability, and performance. Take advantage of the latest testing tools and techniques to identify issues early in the development process and we provide robust solutions for our clients.

App store compliance service

Support your team with experts that will navigate you through the complex submission process by providing guidance on Apple’s guidelines and best practices to ensure that your app is approved for distribution on the App Store.

UI/UX design for iOS mobile apps

Ensure that your iOS mobile app meets the highest design standards. Let our UI and UX experts design the app projects that are not only visually appealing but also provide a seamless user experience that enhances user engagement and drives business outcomes.

Our tech stack





Core Data, Realm

Rest API, GraphQL


Swift structured concurrency



Quick, Nimble


Firebase Crashlytics, Revolt





What makes Miquido a top iOS app development company?

One-stop iOS app development agency

It takes lots of effort, planning, and research to create a successful mobile app. Choose our all-in-one iOS app development services to make sure that both your strategy and your digital product are flawless. We take good care of your project from start to finish by beginning with in-depth research, a data-based strategy, and outstanding product design. Then, we combine foolproof development and maintenance to guarantee the excellent stability and performance of your app.

Experts in Swift development

If you are researching iPhone app development services, you’ve probably heard of Swift. It’s a powerful, intuitive programming language, created and supported by Apple, and used to build applications for iOS. Although older applications were often written in ObjC, Swift is the go-to choice for new applications, as a faster, more secure, and future-proof choice. With each case, our iOS app developers choose the stack carefully to deliver top-notch applications, made to fit specific business needs.

iOS applications are recognised worldwide

With over 10 years of work in iOS application development, you can be sure that you are putting your project in experienced hands. Working with world-renowned brands worldwide such as Skyscanner, TUI, Aviva, BNP Paribas, or Herbalife, we’ve gained hands-on experience in combining business objectives with cutting-edge mobile apps.

Experts in cross-platform development

If you’re thinking about building an app for both Android and iOS, there are two approaches to consider. Should you develop two separate native apps, or just one that will work on both platforms? We’re here to make sure you take the right path! If you pick cross-platform over native iOS application development, we can take care of that, too. Our team excels in building cross-platform apps with the two most popular frameworks: Flutter and React Native.

Get to know our work process

  • 1

    Scoping & estimation

  • 2

    Workshops & preparation

  • 3

    Design & development

  • 4

    Product release

  • 5

    Ongoing support

Getting to know your vision & business needs

First of all, we’d like to learn about your product idea and identify the scope of your project. For that, we gather all the crucial info about your business goals and expectations. We discuss the potential features, tech solutions and time required to deliver them. By the end of this stage, we should be able to provide you with a general development schedule and an estimated project price.

Diving into the details

To make sure that your custom solution becomes a success, we put together a series of personalised workshops tailored to your needs. Sample workshops can focus on Data, Product design, or Strategy – you make the final call. After we’ve answered each other’s questions and reached a common vision, we prepare the wireframes and the first design drafts, development requirements, as well as all the basic documentation of the project.

Turning your bespoke idea into reality

This is when your idea truly comes to life! We finalise the UX/UI designs and begin the development of your web or mobile application. Keep in mind, that every project is unique so there’s no one-size-fits-all way to tell how long it’s going to take, but as a rule it takes us up to 3 months to create a fully-functional minimum viable product – your MVP. That is the version of your solution ready to be released to the market.


Your app is ready to be released to the market! After the development is complete, the MVP is tested, and every stakeholder is satisfied, we take care of the deployment and release. As time is of the essence during this phase, we make sure everything goes according to schedule and the entire process is as seamless as it gets.

There’s more for us to do

Your custom digital product is released, but our work doesn’t necessarily end here. We pride ourselves in building long-term relationships with our customers; if you’d like to upgrade your product with some additional features over time, if there is a particular enhancement that you’d like to try out, or if you simply want us to take care of maintenance and support, we’re always happy to help! In case you choose to let your in-house team to take over the project, we’ll ensure the transition goes without any surprises.

skyscanner logo

The Miquido team is very high energy and had a good level of development skills.”

Kevin Hall Project Manager at Skyscanner
sbab logo

They have a skilled workforce with great skills when it comes to design, development and QA.”

Kristoffer Namark Product Manager at SBAB

Want to know more about iOS app development?

What language is best for iOS app development?

In iOS development, there are four languages of greater significance:

  • Swift is a programming language developed by Apple. This language enables developers to build quick and easy native apps in the Apple ecosystem. Swift owes its popularity to modern language features, stability, good performance and scalability.
  • Objective-C is a language with object-oriented programming capabilities. Although it is a reasonably mature programming language, it is appreciated for its stability and dynamic typing. However, it is worth adding that Objective-C is characterised by a large amount of code and legacy projects, making it used less and less in favour of Swift.
  • Java Script is a universal language for app development. The most significant advantage of JS is the ability to build multiplatform applications. This means that you don’t have to create just an iOS app but use the same code to develop apps based on both Android and iOS. Java Script is also recommended because of its rich user interfaces that provide a good User Experience. It is also worth mentioning that it is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, which means it has a vast community and tools.
  • Dart is a cross-platform language to develop mobile applications. However, this language allows you to create apps for iOS, Android, Linux, Windows and Mac using one codebase. Dart owes its popularity to rich libraries and fast testing using Flutter – Dart framework.

Which one should you choose for your digital product? It depends on your needs and requirements. If you want to create a native app, it is probably best to use Swift. That is because Swift is a newer language than Objective-C and creating solutions in Swift can be much more convenient. However, cross-platform solutions will be the best option if you want to build an app for both iOS and Android or multiplatform web apps.

Which frameworks are best for iOS Development?

There are several popular frameworks used in iOS app development:

  • SwiftUI: This framework introduced in iOS 13 provides a more modern and declarative approach to building user interfaces in iOS. SwiftUI simplifies the code required to build user interfaces and allows developers to create UIs that automatically adapt to different device sizes and orientations.
  • UIKit: This framework has always been used in IOS development and is still used in a lot of projects. UIKit’s main advantages are its maturity and stability. In addition, it includes ready-to-use UI elements that will save time when creating the design.
  • Flutter: This is a popular cross-platform mobile app development framework that can be used for building iOS apps as well as Android apps. Flutter allows developers to create high-performance, visually attractive mobile apps with a single codebase that can run on multiple platforms, including iOS. One of the main advantages of Flutter for iOS development is that it uses the same UI framework for iOS and Android, called Flutter widgets. This means that developers can create an app that looks and feels native on both platforms with the same codebase, which can save time and resources.
  • React Native: A popular open-source mobile app development framework that allows developers to build high-performance, native-looking mobile apps for multiple platforms, including iOS. It is based on the React.js library and allows developers to write code in JavaScript or TypeScript, which is then compiled into native code. One of the main advantages of React Native for iOS development is that it provides a way to create native-looking UI components that closely match the iOS look and feel. React Native also comes with a wide range of pre-built UI components and modules to help developers quickly create complex mobile apps.

These are just a few examples of the many frameworks available for iOS app development. The choice of which one to use depends on the specific needs and requirements of the project. If you are still determining which framework is best for your digital solution, contact us, and we will help you choose the best solution tailored to your needs.

How long does it take to develop an iOS app?

The development time for a mobile app largely depends on factors such as the size of the app, the size of the team, the technology chosen and the client’s requirements . The operating system itself is not a factor that strongly influences the timeframe. The primary difference in time between an Android and iOS app is mainly apparent in adding the app to the store. The app store has slightly stricter requirements which can increase the time of your product release.
The main factor affecting the time it takes to create an app is the size of the app. A basic app with simple functionality can be created in as little as 3-4 months; a more complex app can take 6-7 months. On the other hand, making a multifunctional, complex digital product can take up to a year. Time is also affected by the team size – the larger the project team, the greater the chances of reducing production time. However, it is also worth mentioning that the entire creative process includes the code writing phase but also the strategy, analysis, design and testing phases. Each of these stages is extremely important in developing an excellent mobile application. In the strategy and analysis phases, you establish key objectives, product functionalities, and business challenges or define the MVP.
On the other hand, the design phase is essential for increasing user engagement. User Experience and User Interface design are the crucial aspects influencing user satisfaction with your app. The testing phase is crucial to ensure the security and stability of your product.
Developing a mobile app is a highly complex process; each phase can significantly affect the development time. If you need to release a digital product quickly, choose a one-stop custom software development company that will complete the various phases of the project comprehensively.

How much does it cost to develop an iOS app?

Many factors can affect the total cost of producing an application. Among those most likely to affect price are:

  • The size of the iOS app: The more complex an app becomes, the greater the amount of time spent creating it. New functionalities, features, and more screens are added. This increases the hourly work of iPhone app developers, designers, QA and project managers, and thus the cost of creating the product.
  • The complexity of the application: This aspect is also related to the time needed to create the product. The more complex an application is and the more complex technological solutions it requires, the higher the total cost of its creation. This implies the need to involve a larger team to, for example, create a custom design or various databases.
  • The type of application: Each type of application requires different functionalities, technical solutions, and security or legal requirements. Therefore, the cost of creating a travel and healthcare app will differ. The type of app also affects the total development time. Various security tests or legal formalities can significantly increase the time and cost.
  • Country of origin: The country of origin of the software development company is also essential. The costs of producing an app by a company from the USA may be significantly higher than for European companies. This is related to the differences in the hourly wages of employees.
  • iOS App Maintenance: An important aspect to consider when planning the budget is the subsequent app maintenance. This is related to updates, design changes or data storage.

All of these factors mean that the cost of developing a mobile app for iOS will range from $50,000 to $300,000 or more for companies in the US , for example. If you have a limited budget, it is worth considering cross-platform solutions that will allow you to develop an iOS and Android app simultaneously, significantly reducing production costs

What are the benefits of building a native iOS app?

One of the most significant advantages of developing native mobile apps is better performance. They are more responsive and efficient. In addition, in-app content often loads faster. Another benefit of native apps is their customisation. Adapting certain functionalities or designs to a specific operating system is much easier. The entire design will therefore be consistent with each other. This, in turn, can positively impact the User Experience or User Interface.
In addition, developing applications on a specific platform can improve scalability. The native application architecture allows the use of native built-in components. Using native solutions also reduces the risk of bugs and errors . You can also count on better support, both technically and about problems with, for example, the app’s release in the App Store.
So if you want good performance, a more customisable design or better support, choosing a native app is a good option.

How do I choose an iOS development company?

Choosing the right software development company is the foundation of your application. It is, therefore, essential to make the right decision. There are several factors to consider when choosing the right iOS development company.
One of them is the experience of a given company in developing this type of solution. The more experienced the team, the shorter the development time, but also the more consistent and stable the application. You must also ask yourself whether you want a native or cross-platform solution. Another important aspect is the scope of services. Do you only want to create an application based on the guidelines you have prepared or a comprehensive service, including the development process and strategy planning or design? Time and budget are also important and may vary from company to company.
Remember, however, that a good software development company also means a good digital product. It is worth choosing a business partner who will provide a comprehensive approach to the project and be with you every step of the way.

Available for projects

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Partner with us for a digital journey that transforms your business ideas into successful, cutting-edge solutions.