Prompt Tuning Definition

What Is Prompt Tuning?

Prompt tuning is a technique used in the field of AI development to adjust large foundational models for new tasks. Prompt tuning doesn’t require retraining or updating the model’s weights. This method uses “soft prompts” that are integrated with the input data. These prompts bridge the gap between the model’s pre-training and its application to downstream tasks. Prompt tuning is more efficient and effective than other methods like model tuning or prefix tuning. By using a consistent prompt representation across all tasks, prompt tuning allows for a streamlined and cost-effective approach to model adaptation.

Prompt tuning involves adjusting the prompt or seed text to guide the language model in a particular direction. This is done by crafting a text prompt that informs the model’s response, steering it towards the desired output in terms of style, tone, or content. For example, when using a model like GPT-4 to generate a news article, the prompt might begin with a headline and a brief summary to provide more context for the model.

Prompt Tuning Method

Prompt tuning focuses on training and updating newly added prompt tokens to a pre-trained model. This method enables the use of a single pre-trained model with frozen weights while training and updating a smaller set of prompt parameters for each specific task. This approach is particularly advantageous as AI models grow larger and more complex.

Prompt tuning can also involve using a small trainable model to encode the text prompt and generate task-specific virtual tokens. These tokens are pre-appended to the prompt and passed to the large language model. This parameter-efficient tuning technique allows for more nuanced and tailored responses from the generative AI model, enhancing its applicability and effectiveness across a variety of tasks.

See also: Vector Database Definition, Prompt Engineering Definition, Prompt Injection Definition,