
Mobile platform for limitless financial services

Banking & Insurance

Monetas - mobile banking platform solution

Monetas solution

Monetas reached out to Miquido with a plan to build an advanced mobile platform for global commerce purposes. The goal was to build a universal platform with the use of cutting-edge cryptofinance technologies, allowing for the management of a variety of financial transactions. With that in mind, the main focus behind the project was to maintain the maximum level of transaction speed, ease and security.

Our team delivered mobile apps for Android devices. Our solution included functionalities such as pre-paid wallet feature, currency exchange and online phone-operated transactions. Developing the QR code scanning feature allowed for the user to easily handle everyday micro-transactions. As the solution was designed for societies that are less technologically advanced, our apps and functionalities were created to be compatible with low-end devices.


Mobile Development


Tech stack


Available for projects

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