Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024

4 Jun 2024
18 min read
The Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024

Generative AI projects continue to develop at a quick pace, and what started as a boom at the individual user level is now turning into a wave of real-life applications in business. It’s no longer just about customer service – GenAI is deeply integrated into core business and operational functions, automating processes crucial for company operations, from document management to decision-making.

Many of GenAI projects focus on chatbots and assistants that relieve customer service departments and corporate knowledge bases. However, the potential applications are much broader. In this overview, we will look at AI projects comprehensively, considering initiatives across different industries. We will analyze the innovation they bring and the challenges they faced along the way. 

The solutions we picked are replicable across niches and carry potential to revolutionize the way we live, produce, innovate or provide help. Dive with us into the most promising Generative AI projects in 2024 and draw some inspiration!

#1 Artefact’s GenAI Persona Generator

Artefact’s GenAI Persona Generator

Sector: Marketing

Use case: Persona generation

The cookiecalypse may not have made headlines, but the marketing world has been preparing for it for some time. Google’s decision to withdraw third-party cookies required marketers to entirely flip their strategies as they lost access to crucial customer data.

Artefact’s generative AI projects perfectly fill the gap due to cookies’ absence, providing e-commerce companies with an advanced data solution. Their GenAI Persona Generator won first place in the “Innovation” category at the e-Commerce Berlin Award and has the potential to revolutionize how companies approach persona development globally.

Without personas, it’s challenging to create an effective marketing strategy, but developing them can be time-consuming. It usually takes the form of a workshop and can stretch over several days. Even with the best efforts, assumptions often need to be revised, requiring the process to be repeated. Artefact’s Gen AI project eliminates this problem. Within just 20 seconds, it can generate precisely fitting personas based on real customer data and individual dimensions for both existing and new customers.

The human-oriented solution for a post-cookie world

Personas are a crucial tool for marketers, allowing them to create effective messages, sales funnels, and entire campaigns. To make the best use of personas one needs to truly empathize with them. Meanwhile, they often boil down to a few lines of text. Here, too, the GenAI Persona Generator comes to the rescue, enabling users to chat with each persona. This makes it easier to understand which products and prices might increase conversion rates and margins in a given sector.

And now, the cherry on top—at the touch of a button, you can use the information about a given persona to create tailor-made, SEO-optimized marketing campaigns for various channels. That means hours, if not days, of work saved!

#2 Social Bee

SocialBee: Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024

Sector: NGO

Use case: AI-powered legal support

The migration crisis poses numerous challenges for the international community. One of the key challenges is navigating direct aid, covering basic needs, and providing housing, healthcare, and mental health support.

Equally important, however, is what happens next – and here, support often falls short due to a lack of resources. Faced with linguistic and cultural barriers, migrants struggle to navigate the legal systems. This often results in them staying in “limbo” for years, unable to work legally and access basic services.

Social Bee, a Munich-based non-governmental organization that helps refugees and migrants find verified and legal employment in a new country, decided to tackle this issue with the help of Generative Artificial Intelligence. With the support of Miquido, the NGO created a generative AI project that streamlines the translation of legal documents for refugees.

This Gen AI project could not only help equalize migrants’ chances in the job market but also facilitate integration in a new place, empowering them to advocate for their own legal rights. The aspects of shame, dependence, and overwhelm often play a significant part in the difficulties of adapting to a new reality. Additionally, the legal grey zone can effectively prevent migrants from fully engaging in local life and initiatives due to the fear of deportation. Social Bee’s generative AI project created with Miquido changes that.

Empowering migrants and increasing legal literacy

As promising as it was, the Gen AI project faced a few major challenges. The team had to ensure that legal documents were accurately translated while retaining their legal meaning and cultural nuances. They also needed to develop a user-friendly and responsive translation tool capable of handling real-time translations during time-sensitive legal procedures.

Lastly, the solution had to manage language diversity and accuracy, considering dialects, technical legal terms, and cultural differences to provide reliable and understandable translations.

The tool they developed, which won the 1st prize at Hack to The Rescue, could serve as an exemplary framework for other NGOs that want to scale their support and engage volunteers more seamlessly.

Outside of migrant aid sector, the developed Gen AI project could also serve for legal literacy initiatives, making the legislative intricacies and the formal language much more accessible and empowering informed decisions.

#3 ZBrain

Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024: ZBrain

Sector: Healthcare

Use case: Comprehensive GenAI platform streamlining healthcare services

Launched in 2023, ZBrain is a Gen AI project in the enterprise automation sector. We want to highlight its application in healthcare, one of the sectors that can benefit the most from the implementation of generative artificial intelligence.

Imagine a world where visiting the doctor doesn’t require a phone call or even a single click. Where your data can be seamlessly transferred from one facility to another while remaining completely secure. Where doctors can effortlessly track your treatment progress and symptom history, leading to more effective diagnoses. On top of that, medical facilities can operate more efficiently while ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations through detailed data analysis and actionable insights.

Gen AI project for streamlined healthcare

ZBrain is one of the generative AI projects that pave the way for all these benefits by automating responses to common inquiries and optimizing resource allocation for administrative, billing, finance, legal, and patient care tasks.

Using GenAI, it tackles the data processing challenges inherent to the medical sector. GenAI removes the limitations of traditional OCR, enabling medical facilities to swiftly extract complex data from extensive, unstructured documents and input it into the electronic medical record (EMR) system – a process discussed in our most recent AI Waves dedicated to business automation.

Moreover, the generative AI project personalizes patient care plans and strengthens cybersecurity measures to protect patient data, ultimately boosting efficiency and patient satisfaction. In a world where the healthcare sector is increasingly overwhelmed, such solutions can democratize access to medical services and enhance treatment effectiveness. Easier access, offloaded medical staff – all that could contribute to decreasing disease-related mortal rates and increasing the accuracy of diagnoses.

#4 OkraAI (Envision Pharma)

Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024: Okra AI

Sector: Medicine

Use case: the superbrain for scientific research

Scientific papers can be a goldmine of knowledge – but extracting ideas from them is a huge challenge. Who knows how many revolutionary concepts were lost in the sea of academic documents? How can one navigate through dense medical and scientific texts to find the insights with the greatest potential for revolutionary solutions? 

OkraAI is a generative AI project created in response to this challenge. Its NLP technology automates the extraction of insights from medical and scientific texts, facilitating the creation of innovative medical strategies on both global and local levels. With its processing capabilities for texts in more than 20 languages, you can capture emerging trends, themes, unmet needs, and evidence gaps on an international level. 

Bridging medical innovation ideas with real life applications

That could be a game changer for entrepreneurs who want to make a difference, introducing medical innovations that are urgent and crucial but also have the potential to be put into practice. The think tanks and labs could also use it to stimulate the evolution of the medical sector.

Whether it is drug discovery, supporting people with disabilities, or solving systemic issues in healthcare, the generative AI project offers an impartial perspective on issues touched upon in medical papers, effectively filtering out the noise. As the tool aims at prioritizing and extracting concepts with the most potential and impact, mitigating bias seems to be a crucial challenge to tackle.

#5 Eureka by NVIDIA

Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024: Eureka

Sector: Robotics

Use case: AI agent for training robots

Tech companies are racing to perfect robots. Many of them already look so human-like that they push us into the uncanny valley. They are also getting better at conversation—just look at the GPT-4o model released in May 2024, which has deeper reflections, a tendency to laugh at itself, and even… to flirt!

However, today’s robots have an Achilles’ heel—complex motor skills. This is the aspect NVIDIA has targeted with Eureka, an AI agent powered by the GPT-4 model that can teach those skills to robots using reinforcement learning.

According to Anima Anandkumar, senior director of AI research at NVIDIA, “Eureka is a first step toward developing new algorithms that integrate generative and reinforcement learning methods to solve hard tasks.”

It addresses the challenges of reward design that robotics has struggled with to date, autonomously writing reward algorithms to train bots. From opening drawers and cabinets to rolling pens, Eureka has already proven its efficiency in teaching robots complex motor tasks.

Complex robot motor skills for tackling manufacturing challenges 

These abilities may sound mundane, but NVIDIA’s generative AI project could pave the way for revolutionary developments. Production processes that remain manual at this point could finally be automated, eliminating the need for human involvement.

This could apply to tedious, repetitive tasks that often affect the health and well-being of the human workforce. Robots could handle more fragile products and tasks requiring higher levels of precision, for instance, in agriculture. These capabilities could open the door to more efficient and sustainable food cultivation methods, a challenge urgent in the climate change era. 

#6 Cerence

Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024: Cerice

Sector: Mobility

Use case: Next generation in-vehicle experience

GenAI projects are transforming how we work and seek information, but can they also change the way we drive? Yes – and it’s not just about navigating a vehicle, but the entire experience of using a car.

Cerence is a generative AI project that aims to prove this by launching its next-gen in-car computing platform applicable to any form of mobility. Leveraging datasets gathered over 20 years in the automotive sector, the company aims to create an automotive-ready large language model (LLM).

Imagine this scenario: you get into your car, which greets you and asks where you want to go. You respond, and your intelligent mobility assistant loads the route, customizing it based on your preferred methods of avoiding traffic. It also suggests music you might like. As you drive the chosen route, you pass an interesting café. You ask the assistant about it, and thanks to novel environment reconstruction, existing hardware, and car sensor data, it can answer questions about your points of interest. You stay fully focused on driving.

For your comfort, but also your safety

All of this is possible with Cerence. Moreover, the generative AI project can recognize the driver by voice, load their personal profile, and provide personalized information and content. It uses enterprise-grade voice biometrics, combining personalization and security. The generative AI platform continuously learns about drivers and their preferences and shares knowledge about the vehicle and driving when needed, especially useful in critical situations like a car breakdown.

The company has already collaborated with Volkswagen, and other automotive industry leaders could soon follow its path. Such an innovation means not only better customer experience but also increased safety, setting a positive example for the whole automotive sector.

#7 Zalando Shopping Assistant

Best 7 Generative AI Projects in 2024: Zalando Shopping Assistant

Sector: Ecommerce

Use case: GenAI shopping assistant

When it comes to enhancing and enriching shopping experiences, AI stands unmatched. The generative AI project we’re discussing was developed for internal use, but it is quickly becoming a framework within the fashion eCommerce industry, which is rapidly evolving alongside the advancements in Gen AI.

Advanced recommendations have become standard, but online shopping has never been this close to the original in-store experience, all thanks to genAI. It ensures you don’t get lost in the sea of product names and terms, taking on the role of a personal shopper who knows your exact preferences and bringing AI chatbot development a step further.

More fitting shopping choices, less waste

Zalando’s generative AI project, along with many other emerging fashion brand assistants, transforms the product search process into a more natural experience. It handles the consideration of various variables, easing the burden on the user.

The user can simply inform the assistant that they are going on vacation to Norway, where they will be hiking mountain trails and attending a techno festival, and receive a set of recommendations that account for the expected weather and personal preferences. If needed, the AI assistant can adjust its suggestions based on additional user inputs regarding favorite colors, themes, and price limitations.

Such an intuitive search and shopping process obviously leads to better customer satisfaction rates, but could also contribute positively to waste reduction. Ecommerce is one of the biggest contributors to waste production and carbon emissions, and thoughtful, personalized shopping advisory combined with extensive information support regarding product qualities, policies, etc, could reduce its imprint on the environment.

Kick off your generative AI projects with AI Kickstarter framework

At Miquido, we have already developed over 30 Generative AI projects using our AI Kickstarter framework. Designed to tackle the main Generative AI development challenges – security, AI hallucination and bias, regulatory obstacles and scalability issues, it facilitates building reliable, context-aware, and scalable apps and tools at a pace 3x quicker than solutions built from scratch. Given that it guarantees more security, flexibility, and effectiveness than generic, pre-made options, many companies have already used it to bring their Generative AI business use cases to life, including Verseo, Nextbank, jazzed, Paramount, Calliber, Timesheet, and TUI.

Our Generative AI development services leverage advanced Artificial Intelligence technology to ensure optimal results. With our AI Kickstarter framework, you can significantly reduce AI app development cost. We also help clients understand the difference between AI and Gen AI to better tailor solutions to their needs. Reach out to us for more information!

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